Friday, February 18, 2011

Marie Madeline Studio skirt pattern giveaway!

Yes, I really like Marie Madeline Studio's products, but don't have the funds to be doing a lot of purchasing. As a result, just about my entire blog roll is posts about MM Studio giveaways! Anyway, the latest giveaway is for a Route 66 skirt pattern . . . I especially love the long denim skirt version. Go here to enter . . . the giveaway ends 2/21/11, so hurry!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Rebecca, what a sweet family you have. I hope that you saw on our blog that I finally figures out how to add the email subscription link, so sorry it took me so long! I hope this comment comes to you in your emails. May you and your family have a blessed week, and thank you from stopping by our blog.

In Him,
Laura Munck